Verve is an incredibly power Systems Engineering tool, allowing you to track data, decisions, and impacts across your enterprise.
Basic Concept
Verve is, at its core, a powerful graph structure consisting of Items (nodes, in graph terminology) and Relationships (edges, in graph terminology). Items have associated with them Atomics, which are engineering parameters broken out for processing and use.
Projects are conceptual sets that group together Items, Relations, and Atomics, as well as their histories and other metadata. A set of Items within a Project can be tied together as an Item Group. Items also have two valuable states: Approval State and Verification State.
Via the Web Interface, we expose Items in the form of Requirements and Verification Events, and automatically maintain relationships between them as needed.
Items, Relationships, Atomics, and Projects
All three of these item concepts exist within the context of a single “Project”, which we expose to the user for modification via our Web Interface, Integrations, and API.
How this looks inside of a project structure is as follows:
Items. Relationships, Atomics, and Projects of a specific Project
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